In January 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping said during an inspection and investigation in Kunming that he hoped that Yunnan would "strive to continue to make new progress in building a demonstration zone for China's national unity and progress, a vanguard in ecological civilization construction, and a radiation center for South Asia and Southeast Asia."

◆ Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", the central government and various funds have invested 4.5 billion yuan, focusing on key ecological areas such as the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the ecologically fragile rocky desertification areas, and nine plateau lakes to promote the Erhai Lake Landscape Project. Organize and implement the national-level demonstration projects for ecological restoration of three historical abandoned mines in Honghe, Kunming and Dali and a series of provincial-level key projects, completing the management and restoration area of more than 700,000 acres, effectively improving and improving the quality of Yunnan's regional ecological environment.

◆ Yunnan, which is rich in water, wind, and energy resources, has risen green energy, reshaped its economic structure, and built a world-class clean energy base. The continuous supply of green electricity is strongly supporting high-quality leapfrog development of the economy and society.

◆ In order to protect its unique biodiversity and high-quality ecological environment, Yunnan firmly establishes and practices the development concept that clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and builds a solid ecological security barrier in the southwest of the country.

◆ Yunnan has always adhered to ecological principles that benefit the people, benefit the people, and serve the people, allowing the people to share the ecological dividends, thereby more consciously participating in ecological and environmental protection. At the same time, we advocate ecological morality and gradually promote the whole society to firmly establish the values and codes of conduct of ecological civilization.

To the south of the colorful clouds, there are clear water and blue skies, blooming mountain flowers, and vegetation competing for glory.

The protection and restoration projects of plateau lakes such as Dianchi Lake and Erhai Lake have been advanced in an orderly manner, and the pearls of the plateau are shining brightly; hydropower stations such as Wudongde and Baihetan on the Jinsha River have been put into operation to generate electricity, with surging green energy; the number of rare and endangered animal and plant populations such as Asian elephants and canopy trees has increased, and the distribution area has increased and expanded, and man and nature coexist harmoniously... Yunnan, known as the "Plant Kingdom","Animal Kingdom" and "World Garden", is effectively consolidating the ecological foundation for high-quality development.

baihetan hydropower station

In January 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping said during his inspection in Yunnan that he hoped that Yunnan would "strive to become a demonstration zone for national unity and progress, a vanguard in the construction of ecological civilization, and a radiation center for South Asia and Southeast Asia."

In January 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping said during an inspection and investigation in Kunming that he hoped that Yunnan would "strive to continue to make new progress in building a demonstration zone for China's national unity and progress, a vanguard in ecological civilization construction, and a radiation center for South Asia and Southeast Asia."

Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", the central government and various funds have invested 4.5 billion yuan, focusing on key ecological areas such as the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the ecologically fragile rocky desertification areas, and the nine plateau lakes to promote the Erhai Lake landscape project and organize the implementation of the national-level demonstration projects for ecological restoration of three historical abandoned mines in Honghe, Kunming and Dali and a series of provincial-level key projects have completed the management and restoration area of more than 700,000 acres, effectively improving and improving the quality of Yunnan's regional ecological environment.

Yunnan has effectively placed the construction of ecological civilization in a prominent position in its overall work, comprehensively strengthened the construction of ecological civilization, and embarked on a new journey of building a beautiful Yunnan. In May 2022, the "Pioneer Plan for Ecological Civilization Construction in Yunnan Province (2021-2025)" was released, clarifying the goals, main tasks and major measures of striving to be the vanguard of national ecological civilization construction, effectively improving the modernization level of the ecological and environmental governance system and governance capabilities, and comprehensively forming a green development model and lifestyle.

Anchoring the goal of becoming the vanguard of China's ecological civilization construction, Yunnan has incorporated carbon peak and carbon neutrality into the overall economic and social development, guided by the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and achieved synergy and efficiency of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. Resources conservation and utilization are the source, industrial structure adjustment is the key, and green and low-carbon energy is the support to accelerate the formation of a spatial pattern, industrial structure, production method, and lifestyle that saves resources and protects the environment. We will resolutely uphold the bottom line of natural ecological security, build a solid ecological security barrier in the southwest of the motherland, vigorously carry out urban and rural green beauty actions, and strive to build a modernization in which man and nature coexist harmoniously.

Looking at the land of Yunling, Yunnan has completed more than 170 ecological civilization system reforms, forming the "four beams and eight pillars" for the construction of ecological civilization systems, and basically building an overall system for ecological civilization construction. Yunnan is constantly strengthening ecological and environmental protection, and with a sense of urgency and responsibility that time waits for no man, it promotes greater progress and greater breakthroughs in green and low-carbon cycle development, ecological security system, and ecological cultural system.

Strive to be a pioneer in green and low-carbon cycle development

In the Jinsha River Gorge at the junction of Qiaojia County, Yunnan Province and Ningnan County, Sichuan Province, the Jinsha River water from the upper reaches is intercepted by the Baihetan Hydropower Station Dam, and the scenery of "high gorges flowing out of Pinghu" is spectacular. Baihetan Hydropower Station has an average annual power generation capacity of 62.4 billion kilowatt-hours and is one of the "green engines" in the Jinsha River Canyon.

Yunnan, which is rich in water, wind and energy resources, has the rise of green energy and reshaped its economic structure. It has built a world-class clean energy base. The continuous supply of green electricity is strongly supporting high-quality leapfrog development of the economy and society.

--Accelerate the development and construction of green energy, continue to increase the proportion of clean energy, reduce the use of fossil fuels, and promote green and low-carbon economic and social development.

Aiming at the "double carbon" goal, Yunnan continues to tap its energy potential and accelerate the construction of integrated bases for wind, wind, water and storage. A number of projects have been included in the first batch of national project plans, and a number of new energy projects to ensure supply and promote investment have been accelerated. Statistics from the Yunnan Province Energy Bureau show that in 2023, 182 new energy projects will be started in the province, with an installed capacity of 17.509 million kilowatts, and the newly connected installed capacity will reach 20.856 million kilowatts. The scale of operation and grid connection will reach a record high; the province's new energy annual power generation reaches 41 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 56%, and the new energy power generation utilization rate reaches 99.78%, ranking among the leading level in the country.

The province's hydropower development is progressing rapidly and steadily, and clean energy is "booming". In 2023, Yunnan will complete energy investment of more than 150 billion yuan throughout the year, a year-on-year increase of 14.7%. As of the end of 2023, Yunnan's total installed power will reach 131 million kilowatts, and the installed capacity of photovoltaic and wind power will exceed the installed capacity of thermal power, becoming the second and third largest power source in addition to hydropower. The province's green energy installed capacity accounts for nearly 90%. The energy industry has become Yunnan's largest pillar industry, and the surging "green electricity" is becoming the most powerful support for Yunnan's green and low-carbon cycle development.

While implementing large-scale power supply project construction, Yunnan is actively carrying out resource conservation and green and low-carbon transformation of public institutions. As of the end of 2023, the installed capacity of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects built and under construction by public institutions in the province is 655.13 MW, the estimated annual power generation capacity is 673 million kilowatt-hours, and the annual carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by approximately 6193 tons. A total of 7446 conservation-oriented organs have been built in the province's party and government agencies at or above the county level, with a creation ratio of 87%, exceeding the national phased task goals.

--Seize green development opportunities, accelerate the deep integrated development of green energy and green manufacturing, and contribute Yunnan's strength to the realization of the "double carbon" goal.

Yunnan has given full play to its advantages in green energy, attracted first-class aluminum and silicon enterprises to Yunnan, and promoted the transfer of processing and manufacturing, supporting raw materials, consumables, etc. that extend the industrial chain to Yunnan.

The reporter learned from relevant departments in Yunnan that from monocrystalline silicon rods to silicon wafers to solar cells, from silicon material production to industrial chain clusters, Yunnan's photovoltaic industry is gradually amplifying the benefits of green energy. At present, the province's monocrystalline silicon production capacity exceeds 120 GW, ranking among the top in the country. Electrolytic aluminum companies such as Henan Shenhuo and Chinalco followed the green and settled in one after another. Yunnan is accelerating the construction of the entire green aluminum industry chain. The province's electrolytic aluminum production capacity has reached 6 million tons. In addition, the total number of planned projects under construction exceeds 8 million tons, ranking among the top in the country.

In the first quarter of this year, the added value of Yunnan's industries above designated size increased by 5.4%. The "three new products" of Yunnan's industries-green aluminum, silicon photovoltaics and new energy batteries-grew strongly, contributing a total of 45% to the growth rate of industries above designated size, becoming Yunnan's new driving force for green development.

--Adhere to the green ecological background, accelerate the cultivation and construction of a modern industrial system, and promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.

At the beginning of July, large areas of rice fields at the entrance of Gusheng Village in Dali were covered with bright green, and the seedlings in the fields grew to more than 10 centimeters, full of vitality.

He Licheng, a villager in Gusheng Village, currently contracts more than 580 acres of land from Yunnan Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd., and under the guidance of the company's agricultural technicians, grows rice in the spring and rapeseed in the spring.

He Licheng said that the entire process of planting rice and rapeseed strictly abides by the requirements of Erhai Lake protection and ecological planting, and does not use chemical fertilizers or apply highly toxic and high-residue pesticides. "This kind of green ecological planting reduces pollution on the one hand, and makes the value of agricultural products higher on the other."

Not only in Dali, but also in rice and rapeseed. Yunnan adheres to the green ecological background and strives to strengthen plateau characteristic industries. The planting area and output of tea, fresh cut flowers, coffee, walnuts, Chinese medicinal materials, etc. rank first in the country; polish the "green" brand and make the "green food brand" into a golden sign;"There is a kind of life called Yunnan" is popular, and Yunnan has become a green life destination that everyone yearns for...

Yunnan has recited the "Shanzi Sutra" and sung the "Grass-grass Opera" well. The output value of key forestry and grass industries such as walnuts, understory traditional Chinese medicinal materials, and wild edible fungi has ranked among the top in the country for many consecutive years. Emerging industries such as eco-tourism and forest health care have developed rapidly, the forest and grass industry system, development path and direction have become clearer, the policy guarantee system has been gradually improved, the scientific and technological support capabilities have been effectively improved, and the benefits of linking agriculture to agriculture have become increasingly prominent. In 2023, the total output value of the province's forestry and grass industry will reach 458.85 billion yuan, a record high.

"Yunnan Province adheres to ecological industrialization and ecological industry, gives full play to the role of forest reservoirs, grain warehouses, money warehouses, and carbon banks, vigorously develops forest and grass resource economy, highlights key forest and grass industries, and accelerates the construction of a modern forest and grass industry system." Wan Yong, director of the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Yunnan Province, said that to improve and strengthen the under-forest economy, anchor the goal of "utilizing more than 60 million acres of forest land in 2025, and the output value exceeding 300 billion yuan", focus on forest medicinal materials, wild edible fungi, forest vegetables, landscape utilization, etc., implement the "small varieties and large industries" cultivation project, innovate development models, and build support bases and parks.

Wild elephants from the "Short-nose Family" and "Ranran Family" forage in Dahuangba Village, Dadugang Township, Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunnan Province

Strengthen the ecological security system

Among the top ten ecological security barriers in the country's "two screens and three belts", Yunnan shoulders the task of building three ecological security barriers: the "Western Plateau","Yangtze River Basin" and "Pearl River Basin". It is located at the upper reaches or sources of many international and domestic rivers., ecological location is extremely important.

In order to protect its unique biodiversity and high-quality ecological environment, Yunnan firmly establishes and practices the development concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, scientifically builds a new pattern of land and space development and protection based on main functional zoning, and resolutely maintains ecological protection red lines and natural ecological security boundaries; Implement major ecological protection and restoration projects, strive to improve the quality of ecosystems, enhance ecosystem stability, promote a virtuous cycle of natural ecosystems, and build a solid ecological security barrier in the southwest of the country.

--Taking the scientific construction of a natural protected area system as the starting point, we will contribute to building a strong ecological security barrier in the southwest of the motherland and maintaining national bio-ecological security.

In 2021, a group of Asian elephants 'journey north and south has attracted much attention.

The Asian elephant, a national key protected wild animal, is the flagship species in the tropical forest ecosystem. In China, it is mainly distributed in three prefectures and cities in Yunnan: Xishuangbanna, Pu 'er and Lincang.

At present, 11 nature reserves have been established in the Asian elephant distribution area, covering an area of more than 5000 square kilometers. In 1976, there were fewer than 150 Asian elephants in Yunnan. In recent years, baby elephants have been born every year in wild Asian elephant herds active in Yunnan, and their numbers have more than doubled in more than 40 years.

It's not just Asian elephants. Lai Jiandong, director of the Wildlife Rescue Station of Yunnan Baima Snow Mountain National Nature Reserve, said that the Yunnan golden monkey, a national-level protected animal, is known as the "Snow Mountain Elf". Yunnan Baima Snow Mountain National Nature Reserve is the largest Yunnan golden monkey reserve in China. Reserve, with the joint efforts of all parties, the number of Yunnan golden monkeys here has reached more than 2500, making it a paradise for Yunnan golden monkeys.

Yunnan is accelerating the construction of a nature reserve system with national parks as the main body. As of the end of 2023, Yunnan has designated 333 nature reserves, with a total area of 5.4637 million hectares, accounting for 14.26% of the province's land area. All important areas for biodiversity protection in the province are classified as ecological protection red lines.

The Forestry and Grassland Department of Yunnan Province organized the preparation and implementation of a master plan for nature reserves, drafted and revised relevant measures to strengthen the management of natural parks, and comprehensively improved the level of construction and management of nature reserves.

Zhao Yongping, deputy director of the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Yunnan Province, said that the function and quality of important ecosystems in nature reserves have been significantly improved, and more than 85% of key protected wild animals and plants and most important natural relics have been effectively protected.

In addition, relevant departments have also deployed and optimized nature reserves as required, aiming to properly solve historical problems such as duplicate installation and spatial overlap of nature reserves. According to the spatial distribution of important ecosystems, animal and plant species, natural relics, natural landscapes, etc. in Yunnan Province, key areas and vacant areas for nature protection are identified, and the actual problems and protection needs of different nature reserves are combined to fully connect ecological protection red lines, permanent basic farmland, Data on the delineation of urban development boundaries, and measures such as adjustment, transformation, merger, division, and cancellation are proposed in a targeted manner to ensure that technical logic is connected and work results are integrated.

--Coordinate the overall protection, systematic restoration and comprehensive management of various elements of the natural ecology to lay a solid ecological foundation for building a strong ecological security barrier in the southwest of the country.

The lake is rippling with blue waves, and the grasslands and forests on the banks are full of greenery... The 129-kilometer-long Dali Ecological Corridor around Erhai Lake is a "online celebrity check-in point". Tourists stroll through the corridor and see it step by step.

A few years ago, the original site of the ecological corridor was a different scene. Chen Jianxian, a villager in Cai Village, Dali Town, said that in the past, houses were built directly to the water's edge, the natural shoreline was damaged, and sewage was discharged directly into the Erhai Lake to cause pollution.

In 2016, the battle to govern the Erhai Lake began in full swing. Through ecological relocation and vacating more than a thousand acres of coastal land, an ecological corridor around the lake and a lakeside buffer zone have been built. The ecological corridor built around the Erhai Lake strives to restore the lakeside belt of the Erhai Lake to its natural state, and the lakes, beaches and wetlands have been "lost and restored." At the end of 2023, Erhai Lake was selected into the National Important Wetland List.

左图:云南楚雄双柏县恐龙河自然保护 区的绿孔雀 右图:云南迪庆藏族自治州香格里拉滇金丝猴国家公园里的滇金

Coincidentally. In recent years, Kunming has comprehensively adopted measures such as "source control and pollution interception, precise prevention and control, scientific water replenishment, and ecological greening". The protection and management of Dianchi Lake has shifted from "one lake governance" to "joint governance across the region."

According to reports, the ecological red line and the ecological yellow line of the Lake in Dianchi Lake have been scientifically delineated. The core area of ecological protection is 49.38 square kilometers and the ecological protection buffer area is 61.18 square kilometers. Build 62,900 acres of ecological belt around Dianchi Lake mainly composed of wetlands. The number of plants has increased from 232 to 303, and water-loving aquatic plants such as cauliflower have reappeared in Dianchi Lake; the number of birds has increased from 89 to 175. More than 9 national-level rare, endangered and protected birds such as white-browed ducks have been active in Dianchi Lake and lakeside activities; There are 26 species of fish existing... The person in charge of the Dianchi Lake Management Bureau said that since 2018, the water quality of the entire lake in Dianchi Lake has remained in Class IV, and 6 species of indigenous fish such as Dianchi Gold Line Barb and Dianchi Highback Carp, which have disappeared for many years, have been restored.

Yunnan cherishes its precious and scarce plateau wetland resources, systematically promotes protection and restoration, and continues to depict a wetland picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. With 1.06% of the country's wetland area, Yunnan has protected 53.89% of the country's wetland plants and 43.51% of the country's wetland vertebrates. Animals provide an important living and habitat environment for 2274 species of wetland plants and 1006 species of wetland vertebrates.

"The province's forest area, forest stock volume, and forest coverage rate rank among the top in the country." CunWenjuan, deputy director of the Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection Division of the Development and Reform Commission of Yunnan Province, said that Yunnan continues to strengthen ecological protection and restoration, scientifically delineating an ecological protection red line of 113,500 square kilometers, accounting for 29.6% of the province's land area. A total of more than 4000 abandoned mines have been managed from history, 12.83 million acres of grassland ecological restoration and management have been implemented, and the area of rocky desertification land has been reduced by 1.13 million acres, effectively improving Yunnan's overall ecological security level. Promote regional sustainable development.

In the Dapingzhang Ancient Tea Forest in Jingmai Mountain, Yunnan, Dai girl Xian Jin (right) sells Pu 'er tea live broadcast (photo taken on September 17, 2023)

Establish a new benchmark for ecological and cultural construction

Protect the ecological environment like you protect your eyes.

Yunnan has always adhered to ecological principles that benefit the people, benefit the people, and serve the people, allowing the people to share the ecological dividends, thereby more consciously participating in ecological and environmental protection. At the same time, we advocate ecological morality and gradually promote the whole society to firmly establish the values and codes of conduct of ecological civilization.

"Advocating a green lifestyle and practicing the idea of ecological civilization, people of all ethnic groups in Yunnan are writing touching ecological stories." CunWenjuan said.

--Vigorously carry out the protection and inheritance of traditional ecological culture, and lay a solid ideological foundation for striving to be the vanguard of national ecological civilization construction.

When it rains, the forest cultivates water, then releases it, flows through the village through ditches, into the terraces, and into the river valley. Water vapor rises in the river valley and turns into clouds, and the rainfall returns to the mountains and forests... World Heritage Hani Terrace Yuanyang Management Committee The person in charge said that this is how the Hani people get along with nature. The circular agricultural ecosystem built by the Hani people with the "four elements isomorphic" of forests, villages, terraces and water systems has been recognized by the world.

In order to allow the ecological culture formed around terraces to be passed down from generation to generation without interruption, Yuanyang formulated a plan for 82 villages in the heritage area and compiled a sustainable development plan for the construction of the practical and innovative base of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets"; 200,000 acres of terraces are listed as permanent basic farmland; Implement the repair of terraced water systems, and inherit methods such as "forest keepers" and "woodcut water diversion method" with village rules and regulations to ensure that water sources are always present..."We follow the working ideas of priority protection, optimization of development, and effective pollution control to explore people and Nature harmonious symbiosis path." The person in charge of Yuanyang County said.

The Yunnan Province Development and Reform Commission introduced that Yunnan continues to promote the reform of the ecological civilization system, formulates 24 local regulations, completes 160 reform tasks such as ecological compensation in the Chishui River Basin, and has created a total of 20 national ecological civilization construction demonstration zones and 9 "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" Practice and innovation bases. These measures not only demonstrate Yunnan's firm determination to build ecological civilization, but also lay a solid foundation for promoting ecological culture and let the concept of green development be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Duan Changqun, a professor at the School of Ecology and Environment of Yunnan University, said that people of all ethnic groups in Yunnan have a cultural tradition of protecting nature, protecting ecology, and cherishing the environment. This ecological and cultural foundation allows Yunnan to gain social recognition and form widespread psychological resonance, create a common ideological and moral foundation, and consciously fulfill its responsibilities and obligations of ecological protection.

--Stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to protect the ecological environment and guide the formation of a green, environmentally friendly and economical behavioral culture.

Su Jianyi, a villager in Louyi Village, Shangguan Town, Dali City, raises more than 50 cows. Every other day, he would go to the Shangguan cow dung collection station and send cow dung there for sale. Each ton of cow dung can be sold for 80 yuan. In one month, you can earn more than 4000 yuan by selling cow dung alone.

Like Su Jianyi, many cattle farmers in the Erhai Lake Basin bid farewell to the days of worrying about the disposal of cow dung and have a special "cow dung income".

Behind the "cow dung income" is the resource utilization of cow dung in the Erhai Lake Basin. This cow dung treatment mechanism from breeding farms to cow dung collection stations, cow dung processing factories to fields allows cow dung to be processed into organic fertilizer, becoming a "treasure" in the eyes of villagers.

Yunnan Shunfeng Erhai Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is an organic fertilizer company. Zhong Shunhe, chairman of the company and the well-known local "cow dung king", said that the company has built 25 organic waste collection stations and multiple fixed mobile collection points in the Erhai Lake Basin, and built 4 large organic fertilizer processing plants and 1 super-large. The bio-natural gas processing plant collects and processes 1.95 million tons of livestock and poultry manure, crop straw, kitchen waste and other wastes in the Erhai Lake Basin every year. "The value and energy extracted by enterprises in garbage have also contributed to the protection of the Erhai Lake, realizing that farmers can get benefits, enterprises can get raw materials, and Erhai Lake can be managed."

In addition, in recent years, Yunnan has concentrated its efforts to overcome ecological and environmental problems and fight the battle to defend blue skies, clear waters, and pure land. As of the end of last year, the province's centralized urban sewage treatment rate and harmless domestic waste treatment rate reached 97.8% and 97.6% respectively, and the rural domestic sewage treatment rate reached 50%. Urban air quality has ranked among the top in the country for seven consecutive years. The proportion of excellent water bodies in surface water sections included in the national assessment reached 94.1%, and the overall soil environmental quality of the province remained stable.

In May this year, the "Yunnan Province Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2024-2030)" was issued, deploying five major strategic tasks, including improving the spatial network for biodiversity protection, building a modern biodiversity management system, and promoting the sustainable use of biological ecological resources. Green development, strengthening biosafety management and risk prevention and control, and enhancing biodiversity governance capabilities to promote Yunnan's biodiversity protection to a new level.

The person in charge of the Yunnan Province Department of Ecology and Environment introduced that Yunnan will always adhere to the path of ecological priority and green development, promote ecological protection and high-quality development go hand in hand, promote green and low-carbon cycle development, biodiversity protection, ecological security system construction, etc., and achieve greater achievements in the construction of ecological civilization.


Author: Andy

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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